Associate Professor
<p>George Andreou studied political science and international relations at the University of Athens and at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and received his PhD in political science and public administration from the University of Athens (2001). He has worked as adjunct lecturer at the School of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete and the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of the Peloponnese. He has also taught at the Postgraduate Programme ‘European and International Studies’ of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens and at the National School of Public Administration as well as at the School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University. His research interests include the policies of the European Union and cohesion policy (regional/structural policy) in particular, the Europeanisation of public policies in the EU and the relations between Greece and the EU. He has published <em>The New Cohesion Policy of the EU and Greece </em>with P. Liargovas (Papazisis, Athens 2007) and various articles in Greek and international academic journals; he has also contributed to several collective volumes (in Greek and English). He edited the special issue of the <em>Greek Political Science Review</em>, <em>Institutions, Public policies and Reforms in Greece</em> (vol. 40, July 2013) and co-edited the book<em> Cohesion Policy and Multi-level Governance in South East Europe</em> (Routledge, Οxon 2011).</p>
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