Associate Professor
Andreas Pantazopoulos graduated from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Athens. He conducted postgraduate studies at the University Paris X‐Nantere and received his doctorate from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has been teaching “The Political System of Contemporary Greece” at the School of Political Sciences since 2002. His research focuses on the study of political parties and party ideology, as well as on the phenomena of populism, nationalism and racism. His publications include the monographs For People and Nation. The Moment Andreas Papandreou 19651989 (Polis, Athens 2001), The Democracy of Emotion. ImiaOcalan, Antimodernising and Modernising Tendencies in the Political System (Polis, Athens 2002) and With the Citizens Against the People. The PASOK of the New Age (Estia, Athens 2006). Populism and Modernisation, 1965-2004 (Estia, Athens 2011), Left wing nationalist populism 2008-2013 (Epikentro, Thessaloniki 2013).
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