General information: The Degree in Political Sciences
In order to receive the Degree in Political Sciences, students are required to follow and pass the examinations of the required number of courses from the undergraduate studies program (core courses, elective courses, exchange).
The minimum duration of the undergraduate study programme is eight full-study semesters corresponding to at least 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) units. Each academic year begins on 1 September and ends on 31 August. Instruction work for each academic year is divided into two semesters. Each semester lasts for at least thirtereen (13) weeks of full-time teaching, covering a minimum number of ECTS credits. Specifically, a full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS units (1 ECTS unit = 27.5 hours of student engagement and workload: teaching hours, examinations, homework, essay writing, etc.).
The precise method of assessment for each course is determined by the faculty member responsible for teaching, and may be based on written or oral examinations, on students’ assignments, or on a combination of the above. Course grading follows the scale of full numbers from one (1) to ten (10). Five is set as the pass grade. In case of failure in a core course, students are required to repeat it in subsequent semesters. In case of failure in an elective course, students are required either to repeat the course in subsequent semesters or change it with another elective course.
Learning outcomes
Upon graduating from the undergraduate program of the School of Political Sciences, graduates are equipped with:
- The necessary knowledge (theoretical, conceptual and analytical) allowing them to map and understand political phenomena: political institutions, processes and antagonisms, as they unfold at the local, national and international levels.
- The required tools and methods, originating from various (quantitative and qualitative) research traditions in political science and related disciplines, permitting them to analyze relations between collective and individual subjects within the framework of organized society.
- The intellectual/critical skills allowing them to describe and interpret identities, relationships, ideologies and policies, and to support decision-making processes in a democratic public sphere.
- The practical skills necessary for the successful collection and evaluation of evidence, the processing and synthesis of information from a variety of sources (conventional and electronic), the scientific questioning and development of arguments in written and oral discourse, the tackling of multiple challenges in a comprehensive way, the efficient completion of individual and group assignments, as well as for participating in the design and implementation of research and professional projects with a feeling of social, democratic and ethical responsibility.
In terms of career opportunities available, the aforementioned skills and competences confer on the graduates of the School of Political Sciences the ability to perform a variety of professional duties in the public sector (from local councils and the civil service to the educational sector and the diplomatic service), the private sector (from the media to consulting and advertising enterprises) as well as in Non Governmental Organizations and International and Regional Organizations.
Students register for courses during the first weeks of each semester. The School operates an electronic system of on‐line course registration. There is a maximum number of students enrolled for each elective course. Student enrolment for elective courses is determined by priority.