Faculty Instructor:
Κωδικός Μαθήματος:
Κύκλος / Επίπεδο:
Cycle / Level:
Υποχρεωτικό / Επιλογής:
Compulsory / Optional:
Περίοδος Διδασκαλίας:
Teaching Period:
Περιεχόμενο Μαθήματος:
Course Content:
The course examines civil wars in both the present and in modern history. In a first part he deals with the description of the general characteristics of the civil wars, the similarities and the differences that distinguish them from the other, “Classical” wars.
To better identify common features, four well-known, “typical” modern-era civil wars are studied: the American, the Russian, the Spanish, and the Greek. The way in which the opposing camps are formed, the economic and social background, the stakes and the goals, the engagement process, the formation of opposing political and military mechanisms, the position of religion, women, children within them are some of the issues addressed in the course.
In a second part of the course, the Greek civil war is examined in more detail. Its historical, economic, social, political roots, the conjuncture in which it occurs, are points on which the teaching of the course is focused. The processes leading to the civil war and the mechanisms of its involvement are analyzed in more detail below. The study of the Greek civil war helps to deepen the understanding of the general characteristics and mechanisms of civil wars. as described to them in the first part of the lesson.
Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to
1.- to analyze the special phenomenon of civil wars in the modern era
2.- to understand the mechanisms of war in general
3.- to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to understand and analyze periods of tension and social conflict
4.- to understand the political dimension and the dynamics of social, ideological movements
5.- to acquire a more complex view of the study of the modern world
6.- to acquire a more complex view on the formation of a state
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Μαργαρίτης, Γιώργος. Ιστορία του Ελληνικού εμφυλίου πολέμου, 1946-1949. Αθήνα: Βιβλιόραμα, 2000
Hobsbawm Eric, Ο σύντομος 20ος αιώνας, 1914-1991, Αθήνα: Θεμέλιο 2010
Additional bibliography for study
Βόγλης Πολυμέρης, Η κοινωνική δυναμική του εμφυλίου πολέμου, Αθήνα: Αλεξάνδρεια 2014
Λάζου Βασιλική, Η επιβολή του κράτους. Ο εμφύλιος πόλεμος στη Λαμία 1945-1949
Close David, Οι ρίζες του εµφυλίου πολέµου στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα, 2003.
Thomas Hugh, Ιστορία του ισπανικού εµφυλίου πολέµου, Αθήνα, 1961.
Roberts J.M., Παγκόσµια ιστορία, Β΄ τόµος, Αθήνα, 1997.
Ranzato G., O ισπανικός εµφύλιος, Aθήνα, 2006.
Lorien Foote, Earl J. Hess, The Oxford Handbook of the American Civil War, Oxford University Press, 2021.