Faculty Instructor:
Κωδικός Μαθήματος:
Κύκλος / Επίπεδο:
Cycle / Level:
Υποχρεωτικό / Επιλογής:
Compulsory / Optional:
Περίοδος Διδασκαλίας:
Teaching Period:
Περιεχόμενο Μαθήματος:
Course Content:
The successful completion of the course will offer to students an understanding of main theoretical concepts in Comparative Politics.
Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα:
Learning Outcomes:
The successful completion of the course will provide students with the knowledge of the basic principles as well as the latest developments in the subject of comparative political analysis.
They will be able to critically evaluate the theoretical models and trends of the specific scientific field of Political Science. Upon successful completion of the course, they will have acquired and developed a series of skills, which constitute the necessary background for approaching the political phenomenon at the European level.
At the same time, they will have acquired the appropriate methodological background, so that they can operationalize concepts related to the subject of the course and use the tools of comparative political analysis in a correct way.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Τεπέρογλου, Ε. (2016) Οι άλλες «εθνικές» εκλογές. Αναλύοντας τις Ευρωεκλογές στην Ελλάδα 1981-2014. Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, Σειρά Διεθνής και Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική.
Additional bibliography for study
Bartolini, S. & Mair, P. (1990) Identity, Competition, and Electoral Availability: The Stability of European Electorates, 1885-1985, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Hix, S. (1999) “Dimensions and Alignments in European Union Politics: Cognitive Constraints and Partisan Responses.” European Journal of Political Research 35(1): 69–106.
Hix, S. & Lord, Chr. (1997) Political Parties in the European Union.
Hobolt, S. B. & Wratil, C. (2015) ‘Public opinion and the crisis: the dynamics of support for the
euro’, Journal of European Policy, 22 (2): 238–256.
Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2018) “Cleavage Theory Meets Europe’s Crises: Lipset, Rokkan, and the Transnational Cleavage.” Journal of European Public Policy 25(1): 109–35.
Schmitt, Η. & Teperoglou, Ε. (2018) “ Voting behavior in multi-level electoral systems”, στο
Justin Fisher, Edward Fieldhouse, Mark N. Franklin, Rachel Gibson, Marta Cantijoch and
Christopher Wlezien The Routledge Handbook of Elections, Voting Behavior and Public Opinion,
Abingdon: Routledge, σελ. 232-243
Teperoglou, E. & Belchior, A.M (2020) Ιs ‘Old Southern Europe’ Still Eurosceptic? Determinants of Mass Attitudes before, during and after the Eurozone Crisis, South European Society and Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2020.1805878
Τεπέρογλου, Ε., Χατζηπαντελής, Θ. και Ανδρεάδης, Ι. (2010) «Μελέτη διαιρετικών τομών
εκλογέων και υποψηφίων στο εθνικό και ευρωπαϊκό δίπολο: συγκλίσεις και αποκλίσεις»,
ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ, Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής και Ηθικής Θεωρίας, με θεματικό πυρήνα:
«Διαιρετικές τομές στο κομματικό σύστημα», τχ. 25, σελ.37-63.
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.