3 November 2021
Electoral Analysis
The course deals with four thematic units. Analytically:
A. Presentation of sources of election results. The importance of level of presentation and type of election. Administrative and electoral boundaries in Greece an...
Game Theory and Strategy Formation
This course is a survey of the main ideas and techniques of game-theoretic analysis related to bargaining, conflict, and negotiation. As such, the course emphasizes the identification and analysis of archetypal strategic...
Politics and religions
The course is designed to study a range of key themes of modern politics that articulate the relationship between the political and religious spheres. To this end, the course will critically explore the various theoretic...
Eastern Mediterranean: Contemporary Diplomacy and Politics
The aim of the course is to present the area of the Eastern Mediterranean in modern times, looking at economic, political and social developments on a comparative level. Through the philosophy and approach of Fernand Bra...
Practice and Policies of Political Repression in Modern World
The module examines policies and practices of political repression in the modern world. The concept of repression is analysed theoretically and through examples from Greek and international practices. The following case ...
Energy Resourses and Politics: 19th to 21st century
The module examines the strategic importance of energy resources for contemporary states and the claims over them during the 19th and 20th centuries. We follow the transition from the age of coal to the age of oil, Europ...
Gender and Politics
This is an introductory course on gender and its relationship with politics seen through the main contributions of the feminist theory. In this context, the course explores the concept of citizen capacity as it connects ...