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Κύκλος / Επίπεδο:
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Υποχρεωτικό / Επιλογής:
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Περίοδος Διδασκαλίας:
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Περιεχόμενο Μαθήματος:
Course Content:
The research method of protest events analysis has been developed during the last decades in the area of the study of collective action and social movements. It is a method that has led to original conclusions and has contributed to the foundation of theoretical propositions. The protest events analysis consists of the systematic recording and de-listing of publications in newspapers and/or news on television stations. A fundamental precondition of registration is a clear definition of the protest event. A protest event is considered any action that is carried out in the public space by a collective independent of the official state institutions or in the name of a collective and aims to express disagreement and influence specific decisions or more generally the social, political, cultural and economic conditions and the institutions, values and perceptions that shape the relevant decisions. The processing of the recorded protest events is carried out by creating a detailed record sheet, which includes, in addition to the date and place where the protest took place, the duration, the form, the type of organizing body, the number of participants, the requests and the reactions of the repression forces. A key element of research that uses the method of protest events analysis is the definition of space and time. The final goal is the comparative approach through the formation of a database that allows the production of time series with protest events and correlations between their individual characteristics. Of course, the research so far has attempted to answer different research questions. The central research question of course concerns the fluctuation of collective action. This question is specialized in three sub-questions regarding the intensity of social struggles, the themes and forms of actions that dominate in each period. The aim of the course is for the students to understand the method and use it by carrying out a small part of the research. The period to be investigated is 2015-2023. In the first half of the semester, lectures will be held where the following will be presented in detail: the importance of research through the analysis of protest events, the definitions, the method of extracting information from the sources, the way of recording, extracting and coding them. Students will be assigned specific (short) periods of time, for which they will be responsible, while control procedures for the correct execution of the research method will also be defined. The course will conclude with the formation of a large database from which some research results will be presented.
Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα:
Learning Outcomes:
– know the importance and limitations of protest event analysis,
– recognize protest events and be able to record them,
– familiarize themselves with the process of coding protest events,
– check the correctness of the recording and coding of the protest events,
– analyze time series of protest events and relate their evolution to other major political and social events and developments.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Σερντεδάκις Ν., Toμπάζος Στ., 2018, (επιμ.) Όψεις της Ελληνικής Κρίσης, εκδόσεις Σαββάλας, Αθήνα.
Additional bibliography for study
Αλεξανδρόπουλος, Σ. 2001, Θεωρίες για τη συλλογική δράση και τα κοινωνικά κινήματα, Αθήνα: Κριτική.
Fillieule O., 1999, «”Plus ca change, moins ca change.” Demonstrations in France During the Nineteen-Eighties», σελ. 199-226, στο Rucht D., Koopmans R. και Neidhardt F. (επιμ.), Acts of Dissent. New Developments in the Study of Protest, Lanham Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Della Porta, D., & Keating, M. (Eds.). (2008). Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences: A pluralist perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Della Porta, D. (Ed.). (2014). Methodological practices in social movement research. OUP Oxford.
Hocke P., 1999, «Determining the Selection Bias in Local and National Newspaper Reports on Protest Events», σελ. 131-163, στο Rucht D., Koopmans R. και Neidhardt F. (επιμ.), Acts of Dissent. New Developments in the Study of Protest, Lanham Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Καβουλάκος Κ., 2009, «Προστασία και διεκδίκηση δημόσιων χώρων: ένα κίνημα της πόλης στην Αθήνα του 21ου αιώνα.», στο: Εμμανουήλ Δ., Ζακοπούλου Ε., Καυτατζόγλου Ρ., Μαλούτας Θ., Χατζηγιάννη Α. (επιμ.) Τάσεις Κοινωνικού Μετασχηματισμού στον Αστικό Χώρο, ΕΚΚΕ, Αθήνα, 2009.
Καβουλάκος Κ.Ι., Σερντεδάκις Ν., (2016). «Συλλογική δράση και κοινωνικά κινήματα», στο Μεταξάς Α. Ι. (επιμ.) Πολιτική Επιστήμη: Διακλαδική και συγχρονική διερεύνηση της πολιτικής πράξης, τόμος IV. Πολιτική Κοινωνιολογία – Κοινωνική Εκπροσώπηση και Πολιτική Συμμετοχή, Αθήνα, Σιδέρης.
Koopmans R., Statham P., 1999, Political Claims Analysis: Integrating Protest Event and Political Discourse Approaches. Mobilazation 4:2, 203-221.
Kousis, M. (2007). Greece. σελ. 109-134, στο C. Roots (Επιμ.), Environmental Protest in Western Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rucht D., Neidhardt F., 1999, “Methodological Issues in Collecting Protest Event
Data: Units of Analysis, Sources and Sampling, Coding Problems”, σελ. 65-89,
στο Rucht D., Koopmans R. και Neidhardt F. (επιμ.), Acts of Disseent. New
Developments in the Study of Protest, Lanham Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield
Rucht D., Hg., 2001, Protest in der Bundesrepublik. Strukturen und Entwicklungen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag.
Σερντεδάκις, Ν. 2008, Συλλογική δράση και φοιτητικό κίνημα την περίοδο 1959-1964: Δομικές προϋποθέσεις, πολιτικές ευκαιρίες και ερμηνευτικά σχήματα. σελ. 241-263, στο Α. Ρήγος, Σ. Σεφεριάδης, Ε. Χατζηβασιλείου (επιμ.), Η Σύντομη Δεκαετία του ’60, Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης.
Σερντεδάκις Ν., Toμπάζος Στ., 2018, (επιμ.) Όψεις της Ελληνικής Κρίσης, εκδόσεις Σαββάλας, Αθήνα.