Associate Professor
Aris Stylianou studied philosophy at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He continued his studies at the postgraduate level at the Paris‐IV University and received his doctorate from Paris‐I at Sorbonne (1987-1993). He has taught at the Schools of Journalism and Mass Media (1995‐1997), Philosophy and Pedagogy (1997‐2002), and at the School of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from 2002 onwards. His research interests include political philosophy and political theory, as well as translation. His publications include: Histoire et politique chez Spinoza (Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses, Lille, 1994); “Spinoza et le temps historique” (Les Études Philosophiques, 1997); “Spinoza et l’histoire antique” (Studia Spinozana, 2001); Social Contract Theories. From Grotius to Rousseau (Polis, Athens 2006). “Sulla funzione politica degli esempi storici in Spinoza”, Storia politica della moltitudine. Spinoza e la modernita, Derive Approdi, Rome 2009. “Historicité, multitude et démocratie”, Astérion, 10, 2012. He has edited “Spinoza: Towards Freedom. Ten Contemporary Greek Essays” (Axiologika, special issue 2, Exantas, Athens 2002) as well as the “Special issue on classic rationalism”, Philosphical Memorandum, vol 7, Polis, Athens, May 2008. He has also translated and edited philosophical texts.
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