Associate Professor
Eftichia Teperoglou studied political sciences and history at Panteion University, Athens. In 2008 she completed her PhD at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens. From 2009 to 2014 she worked as researcher at the Center for European Social research (MZES), University of Mannheim, Germany, and for three years she carried out post-doctoral research at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology, University institute of Lisbon, Portugal (CIES-IUL). In addition she has worked for a number of years in research projects at the National Centre for Social Research (ΕΚΚΕ). In September 2015 she took up the position of Lecturer at the School of Political Sciences with subject area “Political Sociology”. She represents Greece in the foremost European and international research networks for the study of elections and political elites. She has published in international scholarly periodicals and collective works. Her main recent publications include the monograph The other “national” elections. Analysis of the Euro elections in Greece 1981-2014 (Papazisis, International and European Politics series, Athens 2016) as well as editing (with Hermann Schmitt) the collective work The 2014 European Parliament Elections in Southern Europe: still Second-Order or Critical Contests?, South European Society and Politics series, Routledge.
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